Walk Through the Saga

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Chapter-1: The Light

The sounds of the horse's hoofs were banging in his head.

...tut tut tut

There echoed a deep voice within,a familiar voice...a mild faint voice.Near his leg he felt something cold...must be the armour.He willed all his energy....if there were left any...to open his eyes.He thought...But how could he??
No he must...
Even after what happened last night???
He must.
There was no choice...The fates of so many depended on him.He sensed a gleam of light but couldn't manage a  flicker.His body was stone.Or is he a stone???He suddenly felt for what he had done ages ago.Maybe this is the end.The ultimate destination...For all it mattered it was alright by him.He had been ready to die from the time he was born.He had been good to his friends, took the first chance to help the weak or a damsel in distress.Loyal to his folks.,repented for the sins committed immediately.Or maybe the sins were big enough to swallow him into hell.
He was sure.
The hell was far away from him.He had repented for it from the bottom of his heart.And if he knew his god, it was enough for him to secure a place in heaven.
It was his worldly responsibilities he was worried about.He had been sure he could fulfill his destiny.Make a finesse ending for all.But now he realized he couldn't please everybody.The journey had ended long before his destiny concluded.He prayed for all others counting on him.
Yes,he prayed.
Let the Lord save the remaining.His part was over.He thought about his friends.Will they meet him in his after-life? Should he had made them to repent?Made them as ready to die as him?His brother was probably still playing childishly.He prayed for all his acquaintances,all the people he ever knew and didn't knew.
He waited for the torment to lift,saying the lord's prayer.
Then something happened...

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